Monday, June 22, 2009

Get out when it gets hot.

Sleep in new bed.
He is mad at me. He cried. He drove away crying and thinking that I was some type of thief or trickster. Who will be the angel of summer? If it is because the nights are short, we are finely woven into the silk scarf tying the sun to the moon that wraps around the earth.
Lapus Luzuli.
Earth rock of electric blue and flowers of orange, speak to each other about what is best.
I make tiny altars and talk to the star I saw before father's day.

1 comment:

circles... all the way down said...

"we are finely woven into the silk scarf tying the sun to the moon that wraps around the earth" ... this phrase is exquisite. far and away the most beautiful verse i've read in a very, very long time...