Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ethics Free Zone, He Said

Human organs traded with Israel from New Jersey or Vice Versa.

O-bama! Hurray!

Shine your light on dark corners...

Obama said if he tried to break into the White House, he's be shot...

haha... if he broke into his own house like Skip Gates did.

I watch BBC news. Kidneys traded where?

So, in America we have Robby Rabbis and Molester Priests and 3-Month Marriage Muslims.
( Some girls take advantage of this and have 40 husbands. )

Which religion do you want to be in?

Everyone knows where I am going.
I am sexist. I want 40 husbands.

These are all quotes from real people in real life.
The truth and nothing but the truth so help my bod.

Welcome, solar flares!
A dollop of Vaseline on my 3rd eye lens... and a strobe light turned on it during times of solar ellipsis.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Punched in the Face With FacePaint

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Swingset Moon Ginseng

Firefly in the hallway
Trying to get into my bedroom
Big band wish list

I don't see the sparkle,
so I make my own.

Inspired to the point of system overload.

Skipping Right Thru Adulthood Into Elderlyville

Four thousand grasshoppers are having a summer festival around my blanket on the lawn
among the clover flowers that the rabbits eat,
the rabbits who reside under the porch,
the pinwheel spins its antiqued double wheel like a memory of winter fading
cold sunlight makes yellow and blue prevalent.

I am a computer grass shopper.
I sample the blades with my toes,
bumble bee in my basket,
a Florida license plate shoved in the garden against the fence is a milestone marker.

I taste the air full of fire engine sirens.

Thursday, July 2, 2009