Sunday, July 10, 2016

I became like everyone else

Today I realized that I am like everyone else and I liked it.  I downloaded the app everyone has.  I was a meme.  I was a stereotype.  I was an American of a certain persuasion, age, demographic and i didn't fight it.

I sought out digital creatures like everyone else.  My boyfriend is normal, so, it's like having this access to regular normal things. He had street smarts enough to avoid bullshit, while i have street smarts enough to act as an interpreter amongst several dialects of bullshit artists.  That's basically my game.
But, he, my normal boyfriend granted me access to a normal game that harms none and brings joy.  For a couple days it has been a pleasant utopia.  He had his diet soda and i had my pool time.  I read a book and finished it.

I wish i were more normal because i would be the best at it.  But there i go with my superlatives.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

These are the ramblings of a madman.

Tonight was pleasant but not magical.  It is a Saturday and there is rabble rousing a floor below us.  I may need earplugs to stay asleep.

We fly out tomorrow and I am ready to be home.  I am scared to fly, but after the two rides on buses through the mountainous  highway, I will feel much safer in an aeroplane.

I am sleepy and have been in bed at 8 or 9pm a few times on this trip.  It's hard to get around here and hard to get acclimated. Once you get used to things it's easier, but then you are going home!

I can't wait for my next trip.  Next time I will take little planes back and forth and skip the scenic route.

I am homesick for my cat and I am restless.  It's the fourth of july weekend and there is a full day off after we return. Did I mention I cannot wait to be home?

It's a dichotomy!  Can't wait to come back, but also want to be in my own space!

There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding me right now with regard to what i will be doing and WHERE i will be doing it and WHO I will be doing it for.

Of course I am at a pivotal age.

I have seen some women that I have really liked, but a few specific people that are a TYPE who are not secure and that insecurity is why I don't look to them as role models.   They only made it so far on a career path and got stuck.  They were hung up on people or loyalty to an employer who didn't promote them and spent the best years of their life doing something that didn't serve them.

I want a purpose.  I don't qant to waste my ambition.  I want to operate on faith.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Fart Frog and Poop Lizard

Every time I went to the edge of the property to smoke, I would forget there is this frog who sounds like a "woooomp" fart noise.  It started me a couple times.
I was also startled by hornets, blue iridescent bee-flies, moths that look like yellow leaves, moths of all sizes, lizards, regular monkies, howler monkies, the wind in the trees, the blades of the ceiling fan, cars on the windy roads. The lizard on the ceiling that just chirped like a bird.  I said, "he is going to poop from the ceiling into our mouths! (While we sleep)"  And a piece of poop fell from the beautiful vaulted ceiling onto the foot of the bed as soon as i said it.

If you look closely enough almost everything has some bugs on it.
What was I not startled by?  The cat and the sloth.  And I got used to the monkies.  I have lived in a tropical climate before and got used to the lizards during that time, but this chirping thing is NEW to me!  I have a feeling my cat, Georgie would really like killing things here in paradise.

Btw- the lizards eat bugs, so they're not all bad.

The tink tinks I will miss.  I think they are bugs or cicadas, they sound like little bells or birds, but more of a magical sound than the blunt nunking poop lizard is doing.  The first time I visited this country, i recorded them and the recording is still on my phone somewhere if you're curious, and you know me, i will play it for you or send you the file.

Why am i blogging all this boring stuff?  Well, i am bored!  I had an excellent adventure and I am bummed that it rained for my last couple days.  I was just at the verge of doing some cool memorable stuff, but the hourly precipitation made it seem a dumb move to spend money to drive to a wet beach.  We stayed by the infinity pool today gazing toward Panama.  We used google maps to identify an island off in the distance that is a nature reserve (starts with a G) forty miles from shore.  I'm not sure how we could see it that far away, but we could.

I watched RA drink a Four Loko beer/energy drink.  I watched him do crossword puzzles.  We had amazing fruit for breakfast, then eggs, pancakes and bacon.

We saw many ex-pats.  Apparently this area and the ultra touristy spot we were at before this have huge populations of former 'Americans.'  Did you know it's an insult to say you are from America when you are talking to someone from Central America because they are also from the Christopher Columbus America.

Did you know that Coata Rica has no organized army?  How cool is that?  To be mearly conflict free...

As i read the news i have noticed that there is terror activity and awfulness.  I have read a lot of terrible commentary from citizens being critical Islamophobes.  In other news, back in Baltimore there is a young talented rapper who was murdered and they haven't found the person who did it yet. The comments alone about that, though a little more sensitive than usual, have been tinged with victim-blaming and racism disguised as dis-like of "rap music" where people mistake song lyrics for real life.  It was especially hard to read that people believe because this man used music as an outlet and described things in his songs about the "streets" that he somehow deserved to be murdered.  Child, please.

Somehow the eye in the sky decided this was what was going to happen?  Nope, it was the will of one person who devalues ALL life.  That person should be in an orange jumpsuit for life.

Don't ever come at me with another theory. A killer is third only to animal abusers and child molesters to be non-reformable.  The problems in those brains cannot be fixed regardless of what caused them to be that way.  I give of myself to the downtrodden whenever they are not vampires--meaning I help people when i can but i don't have enough to give to a vacuum.  I won't tolerate murder.  It's so simple, but seriously, if you look on the Internet in the comments section of some news, you will hear the voices of the dregs of society pulling everyone down to their level.

It's incredible to me when I get caught up in it.  So, to say that someone can ultimately at some point possibly feel genuine remorse is only up to that person and their god if they have one; sayiny this, I hope to God that love overcomes all the grief.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Scented toilet paper is just wrong

Scented toilet paper is just wrong.  Can I tell you this?  It's worse than Scented trash bags, which I thought were the absolute Devil.  I won't go into it in detail.

That said, I will get any digressions out of the way.  Tomorrow is the second to last day of my vacation.  I have felt the first twinge of homesickness.  I am already day dreaming of my next trip.  As I get older and wiser and just a tiny bit more capable of saving for a few months at a time to pull off a change of scenery, my newest discovery is the necessity of planning ahead for weather.
This trip, I took during rainy season.  Sunny days are a wild card.  You can expect rain every day here at this time of year.  When I return it will definitely be around December or February when there is almost zero chance of being rained in.

I am adventurous, but moody.  It's a tricky combo.  I want to venture out and I don't mind risking a little bit of discomfort like wet clothes, walking in the rain, sweating on a beach.  The factor at play is money and mood.  If I had a lot of money, I would pay someone to drive me to around.  I would save time.  I have only a medium amount of money, though, so, I do need to take the bus and walk sometimes to balance out paying for the special stuff when it really counts.  This brings us to "last day of vacation and it's raining. I'm in paradise, what do I do?"

I really don't want to be all the way near Panama and not get my feet into the sand here.  I was very close today, but chickened out when I would have had to wade through waist high water to get to the sand bar.  There were too many people fishing and having family cookouts for me to trust the murkey water not to have stuff in it that would give me the heebie jeebies.  I was CLOSE to doing it, but no cigar.
Speaking of cigars, I have not been allowed to smoke anywhere we have stayed.  I have had to walk to the edges of the properties to have a cigarette and have hardly finished one pack since Sunday and it is now Thursday.  I have been vaping excessively. On another good note, the nicotine content is too low, but it's getting the job done!
It doesn't smell bad and I am still not allowed to really vape anywhere public, but boy am I glad vaping nicotine exists.  I sincerely hope the FDA finds out scientifically once and for all if vaporizing vegetable glycerin is better or worse than actual cigarettes.  My guess is yes! Vaping ia the lesser of two evils and possibly~ not evil at all.  That is all i have today.  Here is to happy and safe travels for me. Here is to scheduling my next vacation around a 90% chance of SUN.

And also to not getting the Zika virus.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The thing about Facebook is this

The thing about Facebook is this: I don't know who sees my posts and who doesn't.  As it pertains to me, I am so excited to share my photos and my thoughts that I often feel as though I have nothing to say to people when I see them in 3 dimensional format.
Do I have to preface my story, or can I start half-way through as to not bore a person with things they already know?  And if I carefully assume I should be explicit and tell all of my stories in perfect chronology, amy I not patronizing them?

I take a chance at offending people every time I bust out and say something.  I am a bust-out-and-say-stuff kind of person.  It used to be part of my Charm and was probably the reason I acquired so many friends.  I am going to say what I am thinking--even if you are a stranger--especially if it's not small talk and especially if it's personal, in a good way.
I want to know about people and things.  I want to know why you carry yourself a certain way. I want to find out if my presumptions are true about you.  And things.
So here is something interesting to me:
I am in central America right now a few hours north (east) of Panama.  It's incredible to me because the miracle of affordable flight and groupon, I am able to be basically in the rainforest blogging.  And if I wanted, I could live-stream video of myself talking.
It's so interesting.  But the thing is, I am obsessed with this area.  It's beautiful beyond dreams, it's frightening the potential of this place for danger.  Things are "harder" here because transportation is time consuming at best and costs a fortune at worst.  Better yet, the worst part is these scary mountain roads and cliffs, good God, because you could fly off the edge or careen into a ditch avoiding a tractor trailer passing someone around a curve.

I won't get into that.  I am a scaredey cat to the max!  I am scared to walk down stairs, but not that afraid of public speaking.
Like I said, I will approach and speak to anyone as long as my purpose and curiosity are strong enough.

But I digress.  I think all of my friends should know where I am and what I am doing because I posted it on Facebook with geo-tags.  Yet, somehow 3 of my best friends texted me and one of them called.  The rule is not to call or text, rather use fb chat or an international SMS application to do Wifi calls.  Or Skype if anyone has that anymore.

I hear the waves crashing.  My boyfriend is asleep.  And I am blogging into the void.

I want to come back to Central America very soon.  I am already hoping to book a flight and stay at the same hotel we were just at for the past few days.  This place is pretty nice, but the place before was more resort-like and more earthy and plus, there was a cat!  And probably at least 30 monkies.
I can't wait.  I want to have a winter home here.  And no, actually, I am not going to announce my exact location, and take the fun out of it for you.  You can ask me though, on the phone or come to my house and I will tell you all about the details.

Facebook doesn't give you everything.  As much as social media helps me learn and as much as it makes it easy to reach out to people; I prefer talking and spending time with people more.   But how do I do this when, like me, several if not most of my close friends are Facebook-only?  If they're addicted also, if I break my Facebook compulsion, I am breaking ties with some of them.  It's quite a debacle, really.

You may only see me taking trips and taking selfies, but that's because you're only seeing me through a neck-up photo session.  I saw a picture of myself yesterday that made me cringe because I am so out of shape.  The Internet provides these filters through which I allow you to see me, but what if my perception is is incorrect and you misinterpret that?

What if I  am an Internet jerk?

Sunday, May 15, 2016

maybe it might help you to see that there are small little tiny ways to help end suffering.

I haven't written anything in a long time and it's for no good reason.

Is he gay?  Everyone asks.  Funny they ask.  I don't know.  I don't know, maybe he is bisexual, I say.

And I don't really care either, but they seem interested but it's not what I even want to talk about.

I came to Baltimore and then it became cool.  Maybe it was cool before.
Maybe the stupid Wire was the national reason Baltimore became cool.  It's just like how the European kids love Brooklyn like it's Paris, France in the 80s- a fashion Mecca. American hipsters have some fascination with Baltimore.

It's alright if you party.  Like, it's THE PLACE to party.  I'm sure there is other stuff, but pretty much, Baltimore knows how to party better than Ibiza knows how to party, we just don't have the resources.

And by resources, I mean money, not drugs, because apparently ( not that I would know ) there is a plentitude of drugs.  Recreational as well as Habitualistic drugs.  Good times.  It's like the Basketball Diaries, The Wire, Party Monster.  Speaking of which one of those party monster kids, I found out, Because I was at the sentencing by the judge, one of those kids from the movie? The circle of friends was so far-reaching in their aging drugged-out-party lives, actually killed my friend (who ironically no longer partied and was 12 years sober). It was murder whatever. That guy was connected to another guy who killed Angel Melendez. I digress.

The only thing that we have missing here in Baltimore is money. I mean maybe some people have it by have it, I mean they stole it (maybe from colonization) and the other half lives in the country somewhere.

So right now I am using this dictation tool for my computer and I am learning how good or bad for my whole life I've wanted to be a writer and when I got to the good age this good age where I can be really writing and Focusing on the writing at night by the time I get home the arthritis in my shoulder has my arm cramped up and I can't even type. Doesn't it figure?

And then you have those people who say that writing with your hand and the pen is organic and you have a connection between your hand and your heart and your mind when you're writing but I just can't believe that right now.
I cannot afford to believe that right now
I can't spiritually afford to believe that right now
because if I don't use this technology the technology will destroy me.  

I would rather use the technology
than have the technology use me!

Of course you don't know what I mean.
People in Baltimore always ask if you know what we mean
but we don't actually expect you to know what we mean
it's just your cue to say,
"Yeah, I get it, I hear you, I am picking up what you are putting down."

On the other hand, we do expect you to know by heart our friends and acquaintances and local celebrities as if they are national household names.

 I was just on the phone with someone who told me that Mayor Schmoke was the first black mayor of Baltimore. I processed it. I didn't interrupt him. But that's just not true.  ( It was Clarence DuBurns, right?)

That's the other thing about being from Baltimore: you're charming, you're polite, you pretend to care even when you don't care.
Sometimes the people that pretend to care the most actually cares the least.
And as a bonus, actually sometimes, those people might kill you.
They might just be nice to you to find out where your family lives.
Find out where your family works,
find out where your family lives and kill them or
send someone to kill them if you're ever a witness.
Just in case.
Just kidding
not really.

This voice text thing -- Voice dictation is a flipping miracle.
I'm going to practice. I
'm going to practice on you.
There might be some weird stuff that ends up coming out on this blog. It might not even be what I meant to say.

So now back to the party. The fascination with Baltimore: how can I describe it? There is this desperation in Baltimore that is like the fertile swamp mud when it comes to creativity. We have so little stuff and we have so much suffering that the only result is art because we have nowhere else to put it.  And when I say it I mean pain. I mean it's the kind of emotional pain that the English language and all of the American vernacular combined doesn't even contain the words for it,
so we have to paint it
and we need to draw it on the walls
and we need to chalk it onto the sidewalks.

We need to sing it in churches. But that's another story.
That might be a story for another time that was a funeral yesterday that made me want to be born again into the artist that I am except this time, be better.

If I could just get another body and a new pair of Hands.

Okay. So I am thinking of the future. And I'm thinking what I might want to do with my life. And I know what I want to do with my life!  Of course I know. I want to help people. But I don't want to just help people who don't want help.  I don't want to help people who don't need help. I want to help the really needy.

I want to help people be free.
I want to help people be really happy.

I want to chip away at the huge monumental block
the monumental rock of suffering I want to chip away at it
I want to kill anyone who hurts animals on purpose. Not people eating animals as food, but people who hurt puppies and kittens and things like that I pretty much just think they should be put out of their misery ( the people, I mean).  And that's an extreme.

And I know there will never be a law that says I can do that, so I can't actually kill them, but I can daydream about it.  I digress.

I can tell you about it right now- my vision for the future. I can tell you about this extreme feeling that I have because maybe it might help you to see that there are small little tiny ways to help end suffering.

But if I talk about that kind of stuff–if I get really self-righteous about that kind of stuff I might start sounding like those people who want Women not to have birth control.
I'm just ***not*** an extremist.
I am just a person who is going to spell out for you and animate what cruelty looks like and what you can do tonight be a part of **stopping the adding** to it. I think I should move on to something else.

Can you stop adding to the suffering? Like attracts like.

So what was I talking about? So the suffering. I have always talked about the suffering here in this place.  You can look at all of my writing since the time I was eight. I've always known this about Baltimore. You can look at my blog from 2009.  There are allusions to it. Last year when there was the uprising, it was like a movie. It was unreal. It was not really like they were showing on TV at all. We were here, we were mostly fine, there were some cars on fire. There were kids throwing rocks. But for all the time I grew up here and all the time I spent being educated and then comparing what I saw growing up to what I had learned about Global economics also known as imperialism also known as colonialism also known as slavery, that week last year was really nothing.

When I describe it to other people I just fill in the blanks I pretend like they're asking me about "oh my god what was it like growing up in Baltimore?"

I pretend that's what they're asking.

I don't pretend that they're asking *what they're really asking* which is: what was it like actually on that day when there was a "riot".  Because then I would just WALK AWAY.  I would breathe a loud, short exhale and turn around and flee.

I say"oh man. It was tough."

What I want to be is a beautiful red Maple I want to be a cypress tree I want to be an Atlantic white cedar. I googled it. All of these trees? They grow in standing water. They can grow in swamps.

I want to grow in the swamp and I want to die on the beach.

This Spring has been like being punched in the face and somehow I am lucky

This spring was like a jack in the box.
It was like a jack in the box who pops up and then punches you in the face.

And it's my job that pays the rent; it's my job to turn the crank.

The jack morphs into different things whenever I turn the crank, it pops up as something else equally terrifying.

I had seven cavities diagnosed at lunch time on election day.
I had a hand surgeon stab me in the wrist with a needle the next day to extract a bible bump.
I learned that my friend had died 30 minutes later.  He was 45.
I learned that another friend died the same week, at age 85.
I learned yesterday that one of my best friends in the world attempted suicide, but he has the wherewithal to keep going,
but we started our conversation with me saying that I just don't have acceptance and he immediately retorted that he is sick of the rhetoric.  I can't argue with that.  I knew it and he told me, so I heard it.

He doesn't want to hear a slogan and I get it.  Slogans are sometimes too contrite.  And usually I feel that people who say slogans are too smug-- and yes, it's true, but the slogans are there for a reason, it's just that you can always use them on a genius.

Pretend you are dumb.  Pretend you are a peasant who is desperate for hope.  I didn't forget that there is hope, I am just weary of hoping when praying becomes like wishing.

This week the Zulu nation unseated their founder who wasn't much of a leader.  I have comments. Unseating him was the only option since he violated their trust and since they weren't going to throw away their advocacy for a liar and an old man who has no right to be guiding anyone anymore.  He did a couple good things, but now it's time for him to go.  This is what made me the least sad.  When I heard that one of his ( and I say ONE OF because there's gotta be more ) victims came forward as an adult ; I was slightly shocked, then not surprised, and then proud that the victim had the courage to write about the abuse in his book and talk about it in a magazine and talk about the statute of limitations being extended for things like this because it just takes longer for victims to actualize abuse for what it was instead of having it be some kind of shameful story where he felt like he did something wrong.  Because he did NOTHING wrong.  He trusted and loved someone and he was betrayed.

Relatively, my week was better than that.  Even though I was betrayed, it was a long time ago and this is just the aftermath.  I suffered some losses, but mostly I was glad I knew those people who were my friends who died.

I was glad I went to have my teeth checked and that I have health care.

I was glad that I have a job to do every day.  I was glad to sleep on my memory foam pillow and glad that I am anguishing over all of my choices because there were times when I felt I had no choices at all.  And if my complaint is that I have too many choices, then I am a lucky bird.