Sunday, March 14, 2010

Steadily scanning the news is not the best way to relax and fall asleep on a damp, dank night like tonight. I blog to stay in touch with dearest Jeremy, and to voice the opinion of the inner-me. To review, I am sick and I have taken my "active kids gummie vitamin" because I believe it helps my immune system.
I read everything on the internet this weekend. The whole thing. I read the entire internet. I was stuck inside being sick and it was raining, so I went with it.
If I believed everything I read, I would believe the whole world is in some kind of crisis, but I think there are too many people talking about their feelings and getting 'up in arms' about politics... and as cheesey as it is when my hippie-type friends tell me " it starts within you " I actually believe this.

I really do believe that my perspective is skewed by whatever is going on within me.

I went to my acupuncture doctor the other day and he asked me how I liked my job. I said, " I think they like me...??!!"

He chuckled and responded that of course they like me because I am gentle and kind and they are... basically mirroring me.

When I heard him say that, it was a lightbulb epiphany because I KNEW THAT ONCE and so easily FORGOT!

Whenever I hear or say the word "skewed" I think of skewers and kababs. I can't help it, I just picture red peppers on a skewer.

Either way, these are the ramblings of a sick lady who just spent too much time on twitter and went down the internet rabbit hole yet again. And it's time for sleep.
And this is my diary, today, I suppose.