Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Recycling Florida

With love, I leave this place. I leave it. I seek home to seek freedom from curiosity, I almost say I have been a have not. Alas tonight I have everything I have ever needed. It takes courage to leave paradise in search of something deeper.
The friends who have become family are the most difficult to walk away from, rather drive away from. I leave them on good terms, something which makes me ask, "Why leave at all?"
Well, I have errands to run. I have reading and writing to do and dreams to achieve. 100% good has come from this place for me.
Lizards on the other side of the window here and more mangos than I could probably eat in a whole summer.

Arrival was hazy. It was moist and I thought everyone surely had an aura. There was no way that my eyesight could have been so destroyed at age 22. The first night there was a dry lightening storm over the ocean and I experienced my first tropical beach. I remember journaling as a hopeful teenager that some force might be able to take me somewhere warmer, where things would be better.
I got it.

I journaled for a phone number with a 9 in it.
I got it.

I journaled for a cozy place to live with low rent.
I got it.

I journaled for other things.
I got enough.

I could walk to the beach. I could have pizza on Sunday nights and see the whole 'town' gather at different intervals if I stayed long enough in my chair and listened to Germy' talk his jive talk and say the full yogi names in complete proper pronunciation.
I could walk to the coffee joint at brunch time and see the people with red bull hangovers from the night before with bed head and whatever lover they had that season...
Lovers were by the season,
and season was when the tourists came,
surely it was a coincidence because certainly there were no seasons there in Southern Florida.

Now for excerpts from back in the day:

last week at work, we had cops, clergy, and a stalker.
all unrelated.

is it normal to have car pool tunnel syndrome in all your limbs?

what about your head?
could that happen?

it hasn't happened to my head yet.

have "editor" privelages to most of my co-workers' calendars.

And it's not like I am bored... you know, I'm sort of busy...
but I couldn't help scheduling " harvest brains from the laboratory"
on my buddie's calendar.... and then I forgot about it... you know.

I hope I get in trouble for it... would be the funniest story EVER.


1 comment:

circles... all the way down said...

love it. i had forgotten all about the "gone to run errands" routine. i think i may have to break it out the next time someone mentions your name...