Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Redline and How I feel about this Sixth Sense I have   Baltimore had this riot so real estate developers who give money to the BGF could press the go-button and push the last hangers-on out of the way to make the redline train line and Prince noticed us.  Gasp!  Try that on for size all you people who keep trying to defunk my conspiracy theories.  You just try me and I will come up with another one.  I mean you guys like HBO so much and watched the Wire, so, certainly you watched Boardwalk empire and learned which government agency is most-mafia oriented, RIIIIIIIIIGHT??????  Meow.  I am feeling creative tonight.  And it's unfortunate that I am often right with my day-dreamy theories because I am clairsentient.  Put that FUNK back into it.

The only thing I can't figure out is how Canton is tied to this.  But I will.  Oh I will.  I will figure it out.