Sunday, June 14, 2009

Demolition Onomott Animal Consonance

Cinnamon Sugar
Robbery Heart Dodger
Swindle Massacre and Vibration Death Bone

Asylum for asphyxiation humiliation migration
Baltimore Tunnel
Is faster

Melatonin migraine fostered by neck ache a.k.a. 'pain in the neck'
originated in Washington d.c.
Bizzy Belladonna Bees sting left brain tingle (stroke) onomatopoeia

Wit for tasteless non sensical jokery and trickery
mastermind lobotomy.

Less than lists.
Pits of list.
Cupid crisp celery soaking to stiff,
Hip hop spliff.

Making tracks on bumpy roads and pot holes as smoke comes out,
touring the town,
ruined in rain.

We stood, we stood up and conquered,
and nothing gets better with age.

Soggy, foggy bottom, wilted and limp.
Tower of finance crumbles in demolition and ramen noodles.

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