Friday, October 22, 2010

Super Soup

Tyronsine Green Tea Cranberry Cinamon Flax and Vitamin C cannot make my bones bend better.
Believe me, I've tried.
It's all for the betterment of the easement in the basement.
The endodant mixed with fondont.
There's all types of technology, but nothing works as well as human hands, hand-crafting. Skilled, licensed, bonded.
Craftsmen are in the trashcan.
And why don't they refer to trashmen as 'working the streets'?
Because they actually work in the streets
instead of 'working between the sheets' as do the Patterson Park homosapiens
the vice principal of my highschool used to sweep up and take to the shelter because he said it's really just not right that they are dispairing so much to hurt others--- families, children, wives.

The other day I heard someone refer to a pregnant lady's situation ending when the bottom fell out.
Is that where the phrase came from?
Who coined that phrase?

And what does that mean anyway?

I mostly walk around most days wondering what people REALLY mean past the posturing.
The facade of fondant.

I'm wearing boots and drinking tomato juice, and I don't mean anything by it, I'm just doing what it is that's next on the list.