Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Red Magic Glasses

I reversed the whole order of things. Last week, it was yellow pants and a purple shirt.
Today, it is purple pants and a yellow shirt.
I accessorized with an over sized pearl necklace and my magic red glasses.

Danger child is a sending out Rubix cubes and talking about shock therapy at breakfast.
We all have our things we like to talk about.
I like talking about how the underdog is not really the underdog.
I like talking about vacuuming at two in the morning.
I like microwaving vegetables because I do not have a pace maker in my chest like Grannie Annie.

( Grannie Annie will feed you little plates of snacks as you float around in her pool while she talks on the phone with her daughter. Namely, grilled cheese with tomato and peanut butter pretzels. And she will remind you to watch your figure too. I wonder if talking about 'granny panties' is appropriate in such a scenario. It was one of those nights where the moon was orange and very close. )

As for Gossip Girl last night, the 'network' sent me a message from J-moany universe of plutonian concepts. ( that's metaphysical speak and yes, I meant to spell it 'pluto' and not 'plato' because plato would imply something totally different. planet. the placement of pluto is in the 3rd house. ) Anyway, the old lovers spoke on the edge of the water. I was just about to drift off into the web or into a book, when the man on the plasma leaned in close and said, " Marshmallows."

I spend my time worrying about these papers. I write about a time when astronomy indicated black magic. I was not raised like this, but, in the company of astrophysicist conversations with father the atheist who knew movies were artistic statements. His god was in the television because he saw more meaning there. I see pixels radiating, so I wear my magic uv glasses.

What exactly is 'out there'?

( Cult following now chimes in. )

" 'Can't tell you what is out there, but we can tell you who is."


circles... all the way down said...

Can't tell you what is out there, but we can tell you who is.

I am so finite, I continuously end. said...

I couldn't chose a better cult following.