Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The thing about Facebook is this

The thing about Facebook is this: I don't know who sees my posts and who doesn't.  As it pertains to me, I am so excited to share my photos and my thoughts that I often feel as though I have nothing to say to people when I see them in 3 dimensional format.
Do I have to preface my story, or can I start half-way through as to not bore a person with things they already know?  And if I carefully assume I should be explicit and tell all of my stories in perfect chronology, amy I not patronizing them?

I take a chance at offending people every time I bust out and say something.  I am a bust-out-and-say-stuff kind of person.  It used to be part of my Charm and was probably the reason I acquired so many friends.  I am going to say what I am thinking--even if you are a stranger--especially if it's not small talk and especially if it's personal, in a good way.
I want to know about people and things.  I want to know why you carry yourself a certain way. I want to find out if my presumptions are true about you.  And things.
So here is something interesting to me:
I am in central America right now a few hours north (east) of Panama.  It's incredible to me because the miracle of affordable flight and groupon, I am able to be basically in the rainforest blogging.  And if I wanted, I could live-stream video of myself talking.
It's so interesting.  But the thing is, I am obsessed with this area.  It's beautiful beyond dreams, it's frightening the potential of this place for danger.  Things are "harder" here because transportation is time consuming at best and costs a fortune at worst.  Better yet, the worst part is these scary mountain roads and cliffs, good God, because you could fly off the edge or careen into a ditch avoiding a tractor trailer passing someone around a curve.

I won't get into that.  I am a scaredey cat to the max!  I am scared to walk down stairs, but not that afraid of public speaking.
Like I said, I will approach and speak to anyone as long as my purpose and curiosity are strong enough.

But I digress.  I think all of my friends should know where I am and what I am doing because I posted it on Facebook with geo-tags.  Yet, somehow 3 of my best friends texted me and one of them called.  The rule is not to call or text, rather use fb chat or an international SMS application to do Wifi calls.  Or Skype if anyone has that anymore.

I hear the waves crashing.  My boyfriend is asleep.  And I am blogging into the void.

I want to come back to Central America very soon.  I am already hoping to book a flight and stay at the same hotel we were just at for the past few days.  This place is pretty nice, but the place before was more resort-like and more earthy and plus, there was a cat!  And probably at least 30 monkies.
I can't wait.  I want to have a winter home here.  And no, actually, I am not going to announce my exact location, and take the fun out of it for you.  You can ask me though, on the phone or come to my house and I will tell you all about the details.

Facebook doesn't give you everything.  As much as social media helps me learn and as much as it makes it easy to reach out to people; I prefer talking and spending time with people more.   But how do I do this when, like me, several if not most of my close friends are Facebook-only?  If they're addicted also, if I break my Facebook compulsion, I am breaking ties with some of them.  It's quite a debacle, really.

You may only see me taking trips and taking selfies, but that's because you're only seeing me through a neck-up photo session.  I saw a picture of myself yesterday that made me cringe because I am so out of shape.  The Internet provides these filters through which I allow you to see me, but what if my perception is is incorrect and you misinterpret that?

What if I  am an Internet jerk?

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