Thursday, June 30, 2016

Scented toilet paper is just wrong

Scented toilet paper is just wrong.  Can I tell you this?  It's worse than Scented trash bags, which I thought were the absolute Devil.  I won't go into it in detail.

That said, I will get any digressions out of the way.  Tomorrow is the second to last day of my vacation.  I have felt the first twinge of homesickness.  I am already day dreaming of my next trip.  As I get older and wiser and just a tiny bit more capable of saving for a few months at a time to pull off a change of scenery, my newest discovery is the necessity of planning ahead for weather.
This trip, I took during rainy season.  Sunny days are a wild card.  You can expect rain every day here at this time of year.  When I return it will definitely be around December or February when there is almost zero chance of being rained in.

I am adventurous, but moody.  It's a tricky combo.  I want to venture out and I don't mind risking a little bit of discomfort like wet clothes, walking in the rain, sweating on a beach.  The factor at play is money and mood.  If I had a lot of money, I would pay someone to drive me to around.  I would save time.  I have only a medium amount of money, though, so, I do need to take the bus and walk sometimes to balance out paying for the special stuff when it really counts.  This brings us to "last day of vacation and it's raining. I'm in paradise, what do I do?"

I really don't want to be all the way near Panama and not get my feet into the sand here.  I was very close today, but chickened out when I would have had to wade through waist high water to get to the sand bar.  There were too many people fishing and having family cookouts for me to trust the murkey water not to have stuff in it that would give me the heebie jeebies.  I was CLOSE to doing it, but no cigar.
Speaking of cigars, I have not been allowed to smoke anywhere we have stayed.  I have had to walk to the edges of the properties to have a cigarette and have hardly finished one pack since Sunday and it is now Thursday.  I have been vaping excessively. On another good note, the nicotine content is too low, but it's getting the job done!
It doesn't smell bad and I am still not allowed to really vape anywhere public, but boy am I glad vaping nicotine exists.  I sincerely hope the FDA finds out scientifically once and for all if vaporizing vegetable glycerin is better or worse than actual cigarettes.  My guess is yes! Vaping ia the lesser of two evils and possibly~ not evil at all.  That is all i have today.  Here is to happy and safe travels for me. Here is to scheduling my next vacation around a 90% chance of SUN.

And also to not getting the Zika virus.

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