Sunday, July 10, 2016

I became like everyone else

Today I realized that I am like everyone else and I liked it.  I downloaded the app everyone has.  I was a meme.  I was a stereotype.  I was an American of a certain persuasion, age, demographic and i didn't fight it.

I sought out digital creatures like everyone else.  My boyfriend is normal, so, it's like having this access to regular normal things. He had street smarts enough to avoid bullshit, while i have street smarts enough to act as an interpreter amongst several dialects of bullshit artists.  That's basically my game.
But, he, my normal boyfriend granted me access to a normal game that harms none and brings joy.  For a couple days it has been a pleasant utopia.  He had his diet soda and i had my pool time.  I read a book and finished it.

I wish i were more normal because i would be the best at it.  But there i go with my superlatives.

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