Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Next Thing

I was there when the looting began, when the first brick was thrown through the German print shop window.
I was there when the street lights were pulled from the wires by an invisible force, and the same force flung the cross from the top of the steeple.

( Here is the church, here is the steeple, open the doors and there's all the people. )

I was there when the nurse met the mail man; a.k.a. the beauty and the football player.
I was there when she drank herself to death while her son listened to a Bill Cosby record on headphones in the next room.
I was there to scatter the ashes.
I was there when the piston failed to fire.

I was there when the paint coated the canvas a hundred times.

I was there to speed up the process.
I was there to put the breaks on too.

I was there to offer condolence and make jokes and move on to the next thing.

1 comment:

circles... all the way down said...

"I petted the dogs who didn’t argue with me ever. All dogs love God. They’re wiser than their masters. I told that to the dogs, too, they listened to me perking up their ears and licking my face. They didn’t care one way or the other as long as I was there. St. Raymond of the Dogs is who I was that year, if no one or nothing else." - Jack Kerouac, Dharma Bums