Thursday, August 13, 2009


Shot Torment out the Window

Stiffly sitting

unsteady rolling

side to side

and quickly shifting



let on...

cross-legged stockings


phenomenal now silence



be still

I am still yours

' take what you've given me

and try to give it to


walk and speak in

body movements

won't you read my mind?

(and isn't speaking easier?)

unless you're like


and words come out wrong in wrong order

and accents on

curse words

and I feel UN lady like

cross legged

My friend says "some women sit like this,"

two fingers: parallel stuck together

"some women sit like this,"

:crosses fingers, index and middle as if for good luck.

"and SOME women sit like this,": forms a V

he wishes me good luck€

like a preacher he says it

and my eyes widen

it wasn't a comment,

rather a command


turn to prison bitches when in love

I read my cards and they say yes, all the way across

and i stand on the beam

ballet girl

bun girl

lipstick six year old


right step

center step

left step

center step

Don't get wild

'Be a good little girl and shut your mouth'

My favorite fighting words

As a lullaby

Give me another language because

mine's used up and wasted.

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