Saturday, February 21, 2009

Le Spoon De Ja Mo'an

Purple and Yellow Spots Like Stars
Recover time from
Le Spoon De Ja Mo'an
Reading about violets
and caterpillars
unbearable young love
after researching an emerging subculture.

I match up the words "smallish" and "longish"
and all the GG's and BB's of made-up
Russian-French-and English phrases
like it's my job.

A big black book with sticky notes in it.
My thoughts are on the sticky notes.
I misplaced my mechanical pencil (my favorite kind).

I wear an orange sweatshirt to match the sticky notes,
the gum, the flags, the tape, the scissor-handles.

Early to bed, early to eyes.
Stairwell to skylight.

Erase my face to be anonymous
Wear socks like jocks.
Get mad at fads.
Paint like a five-year-old with a serious sullen face
and talk to the paintings like they are not doing what I want
them to do
I am the boss, their bully.
And I am not in charge of anyone but them.

1 comment:

circles... all the way down said...

"Paint like a five year old with a serious sullen face" - effn incredible ma soeur....